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Build America Transportation Investment Center (BATIC) Institute: An AASHTO Center for Excellence
Build America Transportation Investment Center (BATIC) Institute: An AASHTO Center for Excellence


A final update to this content was completed in March 2022.

Federal Credit Assistance

Railroad Rehabilitation and Improvement Financing Program

The Railroad Rehabilitation and Improvement Financing (RRIF) program provides direct Federal loans and loan guarantees to finance development of railroad infrastructure is intended to make funding available through loans and loan guarantees for railroad capital improvements. The RRIF program was established by the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) and amended by the Safe Accountable, Flexible and Efficient Transportation Equity Act: a Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, and most recently the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

Under this program the FRA Administrator is authorized to provide direct loans and loan guarantees up to $35.0 billion to finance development of railroad infrastructure. Up to $7 billion is reserved for projects benefiting freight railroads other than Class I carriers.

The funding may be used to:

  • Acquire, improve, or rehabilitate intermodal or rail equipment or facilities, including track, components of track, cuts and fills, stations, tunnels, bridges, yards, buildings and shops, and to finance costs related to those activities, including pre-construction costs;
  • Develop or establish new intermodal or railroad facilities;
  • Develop landside port infrastructure for seaports serviced by rail;
  • Refinance outstanding debt incurred for the purposes listed above;
  • Reimburse planning, permitting, and design expenses relating to activities listed above; and
  • Finance transit-oriented development.

Additional Information

Further information on the RRIF Program is available from the Build America Bureau.